难度系数: 简单
给你一个整数 x ,如果 x 是一个回文整数,返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。
例如,121 是回文,而 123 不是。

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难度系数: 简单


你的算法应该具有线性时间复杂度。 你可以不使用额外空间来实现吗?

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The pages in this section contain recommendations on the best way to do code reviews, based on long experience. All together they represent one complete document, broken up into many separate sections. You don’t have to read them all, but many people have found it very helpful to themselves and their team to read the entire set.


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A code review is a process where someone other than the author(s) of a piece of code examines that code.
所谓的代码审查(code review)就是指让别人来审查自己的代码的过程。

At Google, we use code review to maintain the quality of our code and products.

This documentation is the canonical description of Google’s code review processes and policies.

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Remote procedure call (RPC,远程过程调用)

In the second tutorial we learned how to use Work Queues to distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple workers.


But what if we need to run a function on a remote computer and wait for the result? Well, that’s a different story. This pattern is commonly known as Remote Procedure Call or RPC.

但如果我们需要在一个远程电脑上运行一个函数并且等待运行结果的话要怎么办呢?这就变成另一个问题了。这种模式通常被称为远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call),或者简称RPC。

In this tutorial we’re going to use RabbitMQ to build an RPC system: a client and a scalable RPC server. As we don’t have any time-consuming tasks that are worth distributing, we’re going to create a dummy RPC service that returns Fibonacci numbers.


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In the previous tutorial we improved our messaging flexibility. Instead of using a fanout exchange only capable of dummy broadcasting, we used a direct one, and gained a possibility of selectively receiving the message based on the routing key.


Although using the direct exchange improved our system, it still has limitations - it can’t do routing based on multiple criteria.


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In the previous tutorial we built a simple fanout exchange. We were able to broadcast messages to many receivers.


In this tutorial we’re going to add a feature to it - we’re going to make it possible to subscribe only to a subset of the messages. For example, we will be able to direct only messages to the certain colors of interest (“orange”, “black”, “green”), while still being able to print all of the messages on the console.


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In the first tutorial we showed how to use start.spring.io to leverage Spring Initializr to create a project with the RabbitMQ starter dependency for create spring-amqp applications.

在第一个教程中,我们展示了如何通过start.spring.io上的Spring初始化手脚架来创建一个包含了RabbitMQ starter依赖的项目,并以此创建基于spring-amqp的应用。

In the previous tutorial we created a new package (tut2) to place our config, sender and receiver and created a work queue with two consumers. The assumption behind a work queue is that each task is delivered to exactly one worker.


In this part we’ll implement the fanout pattern to deliver a message to multiple consumers. This pattern is known as “publish/subscribe” and is implementing by configuring a number of beans in our Tut3Config file.

在这部分教程中,我们将实现广播模式(fanout pattern),从而将一条消息发送给多个消费者。这个模式被称为“发布/订阅”,我们将在Tut3Config文件里配置一系列bean来实现这个模式。

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2 工作队列(Work Queues)


In the first tutorial we wrote programs to send and receive messages from a named queue. In this one we’ll create a Work Queue that will be used to distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple workers.

在第一个教程中,我们编写了两个程序,一个用于往一个命名了的队列发送消息,另一个从这个队列里接收消息。在本教程里,我们将创建一个工作队列(Work Queue),它将被用来在多个工作者之间分发耗时任务。

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