
How to write code review comments




  • Be kind.

  • Explain your reasoning.

  • Balance giving explicit directions with just pointing out problems and letting the developer decide.

  • Encourage developers to simplify code or add code comments instead of just explaining the complexity to you.

  • 语气要和善;

  • 解释这么评论的原因;

  • 在明确指示与指出问题之间做好平衡,并让开发人员自己决定;

  • 鼓励开发人员简化代码或者增加注释,而不只是让他们向你就代码的复杂性进行说明。



In general, it is important to be courteous and respectful while also being very clear and helpful to the developer whose code you are reviewing. One way to do this is to be sure that you are always making comments about the code and never making comments about the developer. You don’t always have to follow this practice, but you should definitely use it when
saying something that might otherwise be upsetting or contentious. For example:

Bad: “Why did you use threads here when there’s obviously no benefit to be gained from concurrency?”

Good: “The concurrency model here is adding complexity to the system without any actual performance benefit that I can see. Because there’s no performance benefit, it’s best for this code to be single-threaded instead of using multiple threads.”

Explain Why


One thing you’ll notice about the “good” example from above is that it helps the developer understand why you are making your comment. You don’t always need to include this information in your review comments, but sometimes it’s appropriate to give a bit more explanation around your intent, the best practice you’re following, or how your suggestion improves code health.

Giving Guidance


In general it is the developer’s responsibility to fix a CL, not the reviewer’s. You are not required to do detailed design of a solution or write code for the developer.
一般情况下,修复CL是开发人员的责任,而不是审核人员的。 你无需为开发人员做具体的解决方案设计或者写代码。

This doesn’t mean the reviewer should be unhelpful, though. In general you should strike an appropriate balance between pointing out problems and providing direct guidance. Pointing out problems and letting the developer make a decision often helps the developer learn, and makes it easier to do code reviews. It also
can result in a better solution, because the developer is closer to the code than the reviewer is.

However, sometimes direct instructions, suggestions, or even code are more helpful. The primary goal of code review is to get the best CL possible. A secondary goal is improving the skills of developers so that they require less and less review over time.

Remember that people learn from reinforcement of what they are doing well and not just what they could do better. If you see things you like in the CL, comment on those too! Examples: developer cleaned up a messy algorithm, added exemplary test coverage, or you as the reviewer learned something from the CL. Just as with all comments, include why you liked something, further encouraging the developer to continue good practices.

Accepting Explanations


If you ask a developer to explain a piece of code that you don’t understand, that should usually result in them rewriting the code more clearly. Occasionally, adding a comment in the code is also an appropriate response, as long as it’s not just explaining overly complex code.
如果你让开发人员解释一段你不理解的代码,这通常会使得他们重新把代码写得更清晰一点。 偶尔,在代码里添加一段注释也是个恰当的回应,前提是这段注释不仅仅只是为了解释过于复杂的代码。

Explanations written only in the code review tool are not helpful to future code readers. They are acceptable only in a few circumstances, such as when you are reviewing an area you are not very familiar with and the developer explains something that normal readers of the code would have already known.
只在code review工具里做解释对于以后的代码读者是没有好处的。 只有少数情况下才会这么做,例如当你在审查一个你不熟悉的功能模块,开发人员就可以解释一下一般读者已经理解的代码。

Next: Handling Pushback in Code Reviews